Recently all of the entertainment show on television (known as infotainment) in Indonesia reports a shock news from these three famous artist in Indonesia. They are:
Luna Maya (Presenter and Local Artist)
Cut Tari (Presenter and Local artist)
That shock news are about their love scandals especially about their sex videos.
I can not say that those in the videos are Ariel, Luna Maya and Cut Tari, because till now Indonesia Police Force still do some investigation about this case. The newest information that I known from television media is, now Ariel Peterpan get status as suspect and will be in jail at least for 12 years...
How about Luna Maya and Cut Tari? are they will also get in jail too? I can not figure it, but it has strong probability if Ariel get in prison, Luna Maya and Cut Tari will get in there too.
The questions are, why they could be so stupid record they sex activities on camera? If they think that is their own collection, they are wrong absolutely wrong. In Indonesia we have some rules that we are forbidden to makes, distribution or publish porn materials. A few past days ago, a lot of peoples searching and trying to download sex video Ariel Peterpan and Luna Maya or download Ariel Peterpan and Cut Tari.
Do you want to try to search and download ariel luna maya cut tari sex videos?